
Self Advocacy Resources

The SUSA Society became a full society in 2021. Before that, the group was known as the Speaking Up Self-Advocacy Awareness Group.
We work to create opportunities for advocacy awareness. We give rights presentations, offer workshops, and create social events.
Our Society is made up of people with diverse abilities. Everyone can contribute and has something to offer.

There are one billion children and adults with disabilities worldwide, most still segregated from society in abusive institutions, living in poverty, or left without educational and economic opportunity.

IGLTA was founded in 1983 and is the world’s leading network of LGBTQ+ welcoming tourism businesses. We provide free travel resources and information while continuously working to promote equality and safety within LGBTQ+ tourism worldwide. IGLTA’s members include LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations, transport, destinations, service providers, travel agents, tour operators, events and travel media located in over 80 countries.

Through the years, we’ve each had our own mental health struggles. One day, we were all talking about it and realized there was no easy, inclusive space where people could come together to explore, discuss, and navigate their feelings. So we thought, why not make it happen? And Wondermind was born.

The experience of violence is shaped by shame and silence. We’ll hear stories about how silence and shame define the experience of violence for everyone involved: the victim, the perpetrator and the bystander, with a special focus on white bystanders and racist violence. We explore how violence is dehumanizing, and leads survivors to blame themselves.

Exceptional Minds and its partners are building a future where neurodiverse perspectives advance an inclusive hiring culture in the entertainment industry.

People First of Canada is the national voice of people who have been labeled with an intellectual or developmental disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodations rights and language rights. The right to freedom, choice and equality for all.

Jack.org is Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory. We do this through three globally-recognized programs:

Our charity helps people achieve personal empowerment through education in schools and diverse communities. We help people understand and reduce the various types of stigmas that exist in the world.

Our programs and resources facilitate our vision of a world free of stigma where all people embrace acceptance and understanding of one another. We are building an inclusive culture where people are no longer stigmatized for any aspect of their identity.

Opening Minds is a not-for-profit social enterprise that provides training and the tools to talk about mental health, change negative attitudes, and reduce stigma related to mental illness.
We established Opening Minds, and it is the largest systematic effort in Canadian history focused on eliminating stigma.
The number of people in Canada trained in an Opening Minds course is over 1 million and that number is growing.

Our mission is to make life easier for mental health professionals, so you can help the people who need you most. We offer downloadable, printable, PDF therapy tools. They’re evidence-based, and created by a licensed therapist with 15+ years of experience in counseling and mental health.

Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is committed to promoting the mental well-being of children and youth in Canada. We are dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so they can manage, learn, and grow from the many challenges in life. Please join us to ensure that every child in Canada has the opportunity to thrive

In this learning section we will take you through the main concepts of disability & Inclusion as well as the the barriers faced by people with disabilities. 
You can click on the pages below to learn about each subject. 

Focused on imparting a skill, lesson, or piece of information to its player that would be helpful to them in other aspects of life, such as a faster typing ability or knowledge about a period in history.

Welcome to the Difabilities Website! Difabilities is a self advocacy curriculum developed by a Middle School teacher in North Central Wisconsin. It gives you access to an entire curriculum of self advocacy, IEP education for students, and transition information/activities. Please feel free to use any materials that may help you.

AbleGamers has been creating opportunities that enable play in order to combat social isolation, foster inclusive communities, and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities for 20 years.

People with disabilities are 51% more likely to be socially isolated than their non-disabled peers.

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