
Mental health & daily living apps for Canadians

While there are many apps available to download, we’ve included a small selection here to get you started. Please keep in mind that you may be asked to make an account in order to login and use the application. While all the applications we have included here are free to download, they may offer additional features for a fee once you are in the app. They may also keep and use your personal information. 

Krystian lives with an anxiety disorder and knows other people struggle with their mental health too and found some apps about stigma free tool and other useful apps for mental health. this newsletter cares about people who struggle with mental health and other diversity issues and wants to provide mental health support by having an app listing and wants to provide hope on different diversity issues such as mental health and anti-bullying etc. 

Stigma free Society App

Stigma-Free Tool - Stigma Free Society

Healthy Minds

Keep your mind healthy

Hope by CAMH

Suicide prevention mobile app

New MindShift

CBT App Gives Canadians Free Anxiety Relief

Virtual Hope Box

Virtual Hope Box on the App Store (apple.com)

Here to help Podcast

Welcome to #OurAnxietyStories

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