
The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter May 2017 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.


May  2017 Edition  KSA  Newsletter 2017 contains in

This month’s theme

Big Daddy Tazz: Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma, One Laugh at a Time
Interviewed by Krystian Shaw
Big Daddy Tazz is a great mental health awareness raising comedian, and is also a Canadian living in Manitoba.
What made you want to become a comedian? When I was a child I used humor to defuse the bullying I was surrounded by, I saw that if I made people laugh, then they would accept me… and at age 8 I saw Dean Martin on Johnny Carson and they were laughing so hard, I knew right then what I wanted to be when I “grew up”!
How did you get into doing this? I was always the class clown so the transition was easy. The first
time I was on stage… I was bouncing at a club in Calgary and they had a comedy night, the opening act for the night never showed up, so the manager of the club said “Tazz will do it!” so I stepped on stage and after I got my first laugh, I never wanted to step off the stage

Click here to read the newsletter KSA May 2017 (1)

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can Contact us at:
113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9

Email thekamloopsselfadvocate@yahoo.com

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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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