
The Kamloops Self Advocate Newsletter May 2024

Welcome to May! This month, we are highlighting entertainment and
the arts with a focus on disability representation. That means we’ll be
talking about all the fun things that make us smile, like music, movies,
TV shows, and artwork and celebrating people of all abilities and talents.

You’ll get to read articles about amazing and accessible spaces for musicians, learn about awesome movies, and read about cool artwork, like
the creations of Autistic Tiger, a talented 10-year-old boy named Tiger.
We’ll even have an interview with a comedian who makes us think about
mental health through his humour.

But that’s not all! We’ll have spring jokes to make you laugh, entertainment quotes to inspire you, and even a word search to challenge your
brain. There’s much to enjoy in this month’s newsletter!

And, don’t forget about springtime. It’s the perfect season to enjoy the
nice weather and spend time outside. So, let’s celebrate the sunshine and
the flowers blooming. Let’s relax and have fun together.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading all the exciting articles and
interviews in this month’s newsletter.

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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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