
The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter September 2016 Edition

CaptureThe Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.



September 2016 Edition  KSA  Newsletter  contains


This month’s theme

Welcome to September everyone! It has been a busy summer and promises
to be an even busier fall! The KSA will be celebrating its 3
rd anniversary,
community living month is just around the corner, and there are activities
happening throughout the community.

Check out how things went for the KSA presentation at the downtown

The presentation at the downtown library went well! Read
Krystian’s corner to find out more details about how it went.
The poetry and short story contest deadline is coming up quick.

So, make sure you send the entries in soon.

See details inside and make sure you
send your entries in soon.

There is a beautiful gift basket ready for one of
the prizes. Don’t miss out!

There will be a peer support group starting in the fall for people with all
kinds of disabilities to connect with others, share your successes,
and talk about ways to overcome barriers.

See the article
that will tell you more or e-mail the KSA if you would
like to join or to find out more details.


Click here to read the newsletter:KSA September ’16


If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can email thekamloopsselfadvocate@yahoo.com

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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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