
Big Bike Ride Event for Heart and Stroke Foudation of Canada his Kamloops Self-Advocacy Newsletter team did


Krystian Shaw 2nd story Big Bike Ride Event

June 01, 2017


June started off great this year.


As a business owner, running “The Kamloops Self-Advocate Newsletter” can be a challenge but also brings much joy with opportunities that come along in helping out charities when needed.

The Newsletter promotes inclusion and success stories in the effort to reduce stigma and discrimination around all diverse abilities by not dwelling on what we can’t do but what we can do.

This newsletter was created to give back to others in the community and that’s what I did on June 1st 2017.

This newsletter is to celebrate all those who have been touched by visible disabilities and hidden disabilities as well.

One such hidden disability is heart disease, and I had the opportunity and pleasure to fund raise for heart and stroke this month.

My whole Newsletter team loves to give back to charities, and other non profits that fit in with inclusion, disability awareness and research like heart and stroke does.

I had fun riding the big bike for the first time for heart and stroke too under my business name, “The Kamloops Self-Advocacy Newsletter team.” Our team theme was inclusion so we all wore rainbow colors like purple, green, orange etc and we had about 18 riders.

All together, the team raised over $1600.00 for heart and stroke. 100% of the proceeds raised goes to help find a cure to heart and stroke. We all had fun.


Did you know, after a person suffers a heart attack, doctors can give a patient medicine to prevent any further damage to the heart, but can not repair what damage has already been done.

So research is being done at this time by Dr. Kim Connally to heal the heart, the heart and stroke foundation told me during my fund raising campaign.

Funds raised this year is going into this kind of research just to name one says the heart and stroke foundation.

To find out what other kinds of research is being done, go to http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/research


So I want to say thank you to all the services agency staff members who not only donated but also took part in riding the bike with me.

This big bike ride was lead by me, Krystian Shaw and I want to thank everyone who donated and I also appreciate the support my family gave me by cheering me on.

The Big Bike Ride was harder than it looked but I had a blast and am looking forward to doing it again next year.


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Krystian Shaw is riding a big bike that fits up to 30 people.

feel free to donate personally or as a company, or ride with the Kamloops Self advocate newsletter Team for the heart and stroke foundation.

there will be an article in June about his experience and why he loves to give back by his newsletter.

for more info go to:


One bike. 30 seats. 20 minutes. 2 kms. One great team working to create more survivors! The Heart&Stroke Big Bike is a team event geared towards companies, community organizations and groups. Teams are made up of 29 enthusiastic riders who each commit to support heart disease and stroke research.
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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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