newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.




July Edition of KSA Newsletter 2021 contains in

When we first planned the July newsletter many months ago, we were going to focus on Disability Pride Month and Canada Day.

Since then, we have come to learn of a great tragedy at the site of the old Kamloops Indian Residential School. We felt it was important to make space to acknowledge the many children who suffered and died at that school and at residential schools across the country.
We have often used the July newsletter to talk about ways to celebrate Canada Day.

With recent events, we want to encourage our readers to stop and think about this celebration. As Canadians it is important for us to reflect on the mistakes of the past and hold the government accountable as we move toward reconciliation. We live in a great country, but not everyone has the same opportunities.
People with disabilities need social justice and people who are Indigenous also need social justice and to be treated with respect, kindness, compassion and love for all. People who are Indigenous experiences stigma and discrimination in the community just like those with diverse abilities do. Let us create a better, more caring and inclusive world for all with less segregation and more inclusion in the community for all. We need to practice treating everyone as an equal part of the community. We need more people caring about the marginalized communities.
People may see skin color and a disability before the person and it’s not right. People judge people which is not fair.

When people do this, they miss the opportunity of getting to know the person and all they can be, whether it is as a community member, an employee, a co-worker, or friend.
For people with diverse abilities, we can be employed and can have successful lives in the community on an equal basis with others.

We can be awesome people to get to know and can be independent. People need to reduce their negative attitudes regarding people who are from marginalized communities and celebrate inclusion and diversity all year. People should not be disrespected just because they are diverse.

Inclusion is wonderful because everyone should be included in schools, workplaces and in the community with no stigma from the community.
Our job at the Kamloops Self Advocate Newsletter is to spread awareness and education locally and internationally. We want to promote stories about people with dis-abilities overcoming their challenges in life.

We want to promote disability inclusion in workplaces, in schools, and in the community and to help reduce stigma and discrimination. And, we want to help create more inclusive communities for all.
We always like to hear from you so please give us your story ideas and feedback so we can improve the future newsletters.


Click here to read the newsletter KSA July 2021


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