
The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter May 2020 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.


May Edition of KSA Newsletter 2020 contains in

This month’s theme

Spring 2020

Global love day, mental health week, international nurses day – May is a busy and exciting month and we are happy to remind everyone to celebrate! As the days warm up and we have more time to slow down and appreciate spring time and each other, why not take some time to think of ways you might want to share kindness, compassion, and love with those in our com-munity?
We may need to social distance, but as you look around Kamloops, you can find some wonderful ways that others are already showing their love. It may be kind words that have been chalked on the sidewalk.

It might be the hearts and signs hanging in windows to show thanks to the frontline workers. Im-agine if we all took a few minutes to create a positive message for others! What could you do to spread the love?
If you have photos or stories of people creating these little acts of love and kindness, please share them with us so that others can see them too. Who couldn’t use a little more love in their lives?

Wishing you love and good health from all of us at the Kamloops Self-Advocate.


Click here to read the newsletter KSA May 2020 1 (1)


Do you have a story idea or an event you think would be interesting for our readers?

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can Contact us at:
113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9

Email thekamloopsselfadvocate@yahoo.com

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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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