September 2021 KSA Newsletter

The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter September,2021 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

Newsletter for people with diverse abilities.

Published by Krystian Shaw.


September  Edition of KSA Newsletter 2021 contains in


Its hard to believe that we are celebrating the 8th Anniversary of The Kamloops SelfAdvocateNewsletter.

What an accomplishment and how the newsletter has grown! We have tried lots of different things over the years and weve made lots of changes, but what hasnt changed is the focus of the newsletter.

From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to help reduce stigma and discrimination and to promote inclusion for everyone, especially for those with diverse abilities. We have tried to raise awareness and create a better and more caring world for all, with less stigma and discrimination and with less bullying and judgment in the community.

This months newsletter is no different! We have lots of great articles with everything from a tasty recipe to advocating for yourself through voting. We hope you will take some time to read through the different articles.
This summer, BC had lots of smoke and it has been very hot. Fall begins on Sept. 22nd enjoy the last bit of summer and have a great start to fall. We hope it will be less smoky and you can enjoy the outdoors. Feel free to send us your article ideas. We love hearing from you


Click here to read the newsletter KSA Sept 2021 (3)


Do you have a story idea or an event you think would be interesting for our readers?

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can contact us at:
113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9

Email thekamloopsselfadvocate@yahoo.com

Office phone: 250-828-1344

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Picture of Krystian Shaw

Krystian Shaw

Publisher and Owner

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